Eurazeo is delighted to announce the launch of the Sustainable Maritime Infrastructure thematic fund (the Fund) to finance more environmentally friendly infrastructure and technologies in the maritime sector that support the transition to a low carbon economy. As a consequence, the fund will have the objective of pursuing sustainable development within the meaning of Article 9 of Regulation (EU) 2019/2088 (known as the “Disclosure Regulation”) and will participate directly in the deployment of O+, the Group’s ambitious ESG strategy – one of the pillars of which is the achievement of net carbon neutrality by 2040.
Currently, 90% of the world’s goods are transported by sea. Therefore, the decarbonisation of the maritime sector is crucial to the fight against climate change. To meet this challenge, the Fund will mainly finance three types of infrastructure: ships equipped with advanced technologies that negate or curtail environmental harm, innovative harbor equipment, and assets that contribute to the development of offshore renewable energy.
The Fund will support around fifty European facilities that will back the transition of the maritime economy to become carbon neutral by 2050 and in line with the ambition announced in the European Green Deal. Several renowned sovereign and institutional investors have already confirmed their involvement in the Fund, which has a target size of €300M.
The Fund, which will be managed by Idinvest Partners, offers investors with a limited risk appetite a highly desirable solution thanks to its asset financing operations, which will generate quarterly distributions from rents received on maritime assets. The Fund will directly own these maritime assets to further limit risk. As such, the Fund will benefit from Solvency Capital Requirement of less than 10%.
Since January 1 2020, shipping companies must significantly reduce their emissions under the International Maritime Organisation’s (IMO) new regulation on the reduction of the sulphur content of fuels (to 0.5% from 3.5%). This regulation is part of the IMO’s worldwide strategy and aims to reduce the shipping industry’s total greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions by at least 50% by 2050, relative to 2008 levels. The Fund will contribute to the reduction of GHGs as well as sulphur oxides (Sox) and nitrogen oxides (NOx) emissions, which are particularly harmful to air quality.
Christophe Bavière, member of Eurazeo’s Executive Board
Eurazeo is particularly proud to present to its investors a solution that meets Article 9 criteria. Many investors are in search for an investment program that has a concrete impact in the decarbonisation and the ecological transition. Eurazeo Sustainable Maritime Infrastructure thematic fund distinguishes itself by a reinforced protection of the capital.
Our new fund is a financing tool that will contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gas and sulphur, reduction measured audited by independent experts, then communicated to our investors. Its implementation, the process of which has been evaluated with full transparency by independent organisations, underlines our aims and ambitions to deploy meaningful funds that provide a response to the environmental and climatic challenges of our time.
Eurazeo is a leading global investment group, with a diversified portfolio of €21.8 billion in Assets Under Management, including €15.0 billion from third parties, invested in over 450 companies. With its considerable private equity, real estate
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