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The transaction concerns the entire 39% stake held in the capital of the asset management company. The buyer is the same asset management company

The sale is in line with the CDP Group’s 2022-2024 Strategic Plan and in particular with the objective of disposing of the portfolio once the set goals have been achieved
Rome, 20 July 2022 – Cassa Depositi e Prestiti (CDP), through its subsidiary CDP Equity (CDPE), has completed the sale of the 39% stake in FSI SGR, thus disposing of the entire equity investment held. The buyer is FSI SGR.

For CDP, the transaction is in line with the 2022-2024 Strategic Plan and in particular with the principle of rationalisation and turnover of existing equity investments once the set goals have been achieved.

The transaction was carried out after obtaining the relevant authorisation from the Bank of Italy.

Following the sale, FSI will continue to develop as an independent and autonomous manager, having consolidated its role in the private equity sector in Italy.

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