Green light for Infravest, a strategic cooperation between, WorxInvest and Belfius

On September 19th, 2024, an agreement was announced that WorxInvest would acquire half of the interest of Gimv NV in Infravest NV. Infravest NV – incorporated as a 100 % subsidiary of Gimv – is with 21,32 % the largest shareholder of TINC NV and is also the indirect shareholder of TINC Manager NV, de statutory director of TINC NV. As part of this transaction, Gimv NV and Belfius NV would also contribute their respective interest in TDP NV, the joint venture incorporated by Gimv and Belfius to develop and manage a wide variety of infrastructure assets, in Infravest NV. The transaction was subject to the usual conditions precedent including approval by the relevant authorities.

All regulatory consents have now been obtained, allowing for the strategic cooperation to start. Going forward, WorxInvest and Gimv will each hold a 40,8 % interest in Infravest NV, with Belfius holding a minority interest of 18,4 %.

Infravest NV fully supports as a long-term shareholder the growth ambitions of TINC at a time that the demand for infrastructure investments is stronger than ever.

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