Melker Schörling will leave his board positions in the spring of 2017
Published: 08:00 CEST 24-10-2016 /GlobeNewswire /Source: Melker Schörling AB / : MELK /ISIN: SE0001785270
Melker Schörling will leave his board positions in the spring of 2017
Due to gradually deteriorating health, I will leave my board positions at the annual general meetings in the spring of 2017.
We will together with the nomination committees present proposals of new chairmen of the boards in MSAB, Hexagon, AAK and Hexpol during the next couple of months. I will of course continue to support and act as advisor to our managements and boards of directors.
I am happy to already now be able to inform you that we will propose to welcome back Carl-Henric Svanberg to MSAB’s Board of Directors at the annual general meeting in the spring. With his vast industrial experience and strong financial commitment to our group, he will be a great asset for us in the board.
At the annual general meeting we will propose Sofia Schörling Högberg to be Vice Chairman of the Board in MSAB next to Mikael Ekdahl. Märta Schörling Andreen will continue as a member of the board in MSAB, Hexpol and AAK.
The process of finding a successor to the current CEO of MSAB, Ulrik Svensson, continues and we expect to be able to present a new CEO later this year.
Stockholm 24th of October 2016
Melker Schörling
For further questions, please contact:
Melker Schörling AB
Tel: +46 8 407 36 60
This information is information that Melker Schörling AB is obliged to make public pursuant to the EU Market Abuse Regulation. The information was submitted for publication, through the agency of the contact person set out above, at 08.00 CEST on 24th of October 2016.