Paris, March 13, 2019 – Eurazeo Capital entered into exclusive discussions with funds managed by
Montagu Private Equity to acquire DORC (Dutch Ophthalmic Research Center). Eurazeo Capital will invest
close to 300M€ in this transaction. DORC will be the fifth investment of Eurazeo Capital IV. This investment
perfectly fits the strategy presented during the 2018 Annual Results presentation.
Established in 1983 and headquartered in the Netherlands, the company operates in the medical
technology sector and is one of the global leading specialists of vitreoretinal surgery. DORC designs,
manufactures and distributes ophthalmic surgery equipment, consumables and instruments.
The company serves over 5,700 surgeons and is recognized for its strong innovation capability. DORC is
a global company with a presence across 80 countries and enjoys strong market shares in Europe. DORC
has more than 500 employees worldwide.
Additional financial information will be disclosed at the closing of the transaction.
Marc Frappier, Managing Partner, Head of Eurazeo Capital commented: “The acquisition of DORC fits
perfectly with our investment strategy to support growing businesses with a strong international
development potential as they scale up. Widely recognized as innovative and best in class by surgeons
across the world, the Company delivers remarkable financial performance. We expect to leverage our
international network to accelerate DORC’s growth.”
DORC will engage to immediately inform and consult the employee representative bodies of the company.
The final closing of the transaction will occur once the process with employee representative bodies is
finalized and clearance from relevant antitrust authorities is obtained.
About Eurazeo
o Eurazeo is a leading global investment company, with a diversified portfolio of €17 billion in assets under
management, including nearly €11 billion from third parties, invested in over 300 companies. With its considerable
private equity, venture capital, real estate, private debt and fund of funds expertise, Eurazeo accompanies companies of all sizes, supporting their development through the commitment of its 235 professionals and by offering deep sector expertise, a gateway to global markets, and a responsible and stable foothold for transformational growth. Its solid institutional and family shareholder base, robust financial structure free of structural debt, and flexible investment horizon enable Eurazeo to support its companies over the long term.
Eurazeo has offices in Paris, New York, Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Shanghai, London, Luxembourg, Frankfurt and
o Eurazeo is listed on Euronext Paris.
o ISIN: FR0000121121 – Bloomberg: RF FP – Reuters: EURA.PA