EQT AB Group

Between 12 March 2025 and 14 March 2025 EQT AB (LEI code 213800U7P9GOIRKCTB34) (“EQT”) has repurchased in total 345,000 own ordinary shares (ISIN: SE0012853455).

The repurchases form part of the repurchase program of a maximum of 4,931,018 own ordinary shares for a total maximum amount of SEK 2,500,000,000 that EQT announced on 11 March 2025. The repurchase program, which runs between 12 March 2025 and 16 May 2025, is being carried out in accordance with the Market Abuse Regulation (EU) No 596/2014 and the Commission Delegated Regulation (EU) No 2016/1052.

EQT ordinary shares have been repurchased as follows:

Date: Aggregated volume (number of shares): Weighted average share price per day (SEK): Aggregated transaction value (SEK):
12 March 2025 115,000 307.2624 35,335,176.00
13 March 2025 115,000 308.4788 35,475,062.00
14 March 2025 115,000 310.7410 35,735,215.00
Total accumulated over week 11 345,000 308.8274 106,545,453.00
Total accumulated during the repurchase program 345,000 308.8274 106,545,453.00

All acquisitions have been carried out on Nasdaq Stockholm by Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken AB on behalf of EQT.

Following the above acquisitions and as of 14 March 2025, the number of shares in EQT, including EQT’s holding of own shares is set out in the table below.

Ordinary shares Class C shares1 Total
Number of issued shares2 1,241,510,911 496,056 1,242,006,967
Number of shares owned by EQT AB3 60,269,191 60,269,191
Number of outstanding shares 1,181,241,720 496,056 1,181,737,776

1) Carry one tenth (1/10) of a vote

2) Total number of shares in EQT AB, i.e. including the number of shares owned by EQT AB

3) EQT AB shares owned by EQT AB are not entitled to dividends or carry votes at shareholders’ meetings

A full breakdown of the transactions is attached to this announcement.


Olof Svensson, Head of Shareholder Relations, +46 72 989 09 15
EQT Press Office, press@eqtpartners.com, +46 8 506 55 334

About EQT
EQT is a purpose-driven global investment organization focused on active ownership strategies. With a Nordic heritage and a global mindset, EQT has a track record of almost three decades of developing companies across multiple geographies, sectors and strategies. EQT has investment strategies covering all phases of a business’ development, from start-up to maturity. EQT has EUR ‌​​269 billion in total assets under management (EUR ‌​​‌136 billion in fee-generating assets under management), within two business segments – Private Capital and Real Assets.

With its roots in the Wallenberg family’s entrepreneurial mindset and philosophy of long-term ownership, EQT is guided by a set of strong values and a distinct corporate culture. EQT manages and advises funds and vehicles that invest across the world with the mission to future-proof companies, generate attractive returns and make a positive impact with everything EQT does.

The EQT AB Group comprises EQT AB (publ) and its direct and indirect subsidiaries, which include general partners and fund managers of EQT funds as well as entities advising EQT funds. EQT has offices in more than 25 countries across Europe, Asia and the Americas and has more than 1,900 employees.

More info: www.eqtgroup.com
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